I've tried to incorporate some of these things in my tile, like the grapevine for the vineyards, Archer for the Abbey, and Vache for the dairy farms. My little town is the 3rd oldest town in Oregon and is reported to be haunted. Yep, the whole town has been cursed by a witch who haunts our only graveyard! 'Nzeppel reminds me of cobwebs when it's filled in, which is why I put it in the tile, too.
I'm not overly fond of my work this week, in fact, I might go so far as to use the four-letter 'H' word, but I don't really have time to do another, so I'm forced to put it in here (and you're forced to look at it!:)
I have so enjoyed getting glimpses into everyone's lives this week! I hope you liked the small look into mine:)