Saturday, December 24, 2011


This is a zentangle I gave to a dear friend of mine yesterday who is going through chemotherapy. She is an inspiration to me and I know God's plan for her life isn't yet complete! She still has a lot of living to do :)

I didn't realize the Diva's challenge this week was to give a tile away until I saw her post today. What great timing! Although this isn't a tile; it's an 8x8 canvas. Making this was a challenge. I've never tangled on canvas before - it's so bumpy I couldn't get a straight line to save my life! But I kept at it and think it turned out great. That's the beauty of zentangle; it's not the individual line that counts, it's the total of all the lines together that make it special.

The message of this piece is Hope, and how fitting a sentiment that is for Christmas, when God reached out to men and women by sending His Son to give us hope, not only for today, but for eternity.

Merry Christmas to all!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Zentangle House

This is my first attempt to make a picture out of tangles. I enjoyed the process, especially the coloring part. I used pencils and chalk. It was hard to stop! I feel like it's begging for more color :) I guess I'll have to call this Zentangle House part 1.

Here are a couple of close-ups:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Diva's Challenge #51

The challenge this week is to create a zentangle using Molly Hollibaugh's tangle 'Fife.' I love this tangle! I decided to keep it square and use three other grid-based tangles, Chap, Helicopters, and the bottom one, whose name I can't remember. I hate it when that happens! Help, anyone?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

My New Tangle - 'Helicopters'

The inspiration for my tangle 'Helicopters' came from my daughter's video game! There were these weird flying contraptions with jagged, spinning 'blades' on their undersides. They reminded me of those maple tree seeds that you can throw in the air and as they fall, look like helicopters.

This tangle begins with the ever-popular grid of dots. Connect the dots with alternating crescent shapes, vertically and horizontally (I turn my tile so I'm always working vertically). I then start to draw the 'blades' on each concave side, turning my tile 180 degrees to do the other side of concave shapes. Then I turn my tile 90 degrees and repeat process (again, I'm working vertically).

This is the first tangle I've created, so I'm really excited about it! I hope you like it :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Get Biggity With It!

This week The Diva challenged us to go big or go home! This was a tough one and I'm not sure that I was very successful. I decided to take a zentangle that I had just finished and enlarge a section of it.

The bottom of this tile looks like a Christmas Ham!! (Not intentional:)

Really weird, but interesting. By the way, the center tangle in the top tile is something I created this past weekend. I call it Helicopters, but maybe it's a tangleation of something else? Not sure, but I think it's really fun :)